Demo v0.1.1.1 + Devlog 1

Hello and welcome to the first devlog (and demo update) for The Very Joyous Game of Joy!

First, let's get the update out of the way. It's just a small bugfix/clean-up update;

Fixes, Changes

  • Charger enemy properly changes direction
  • Charger enemy properly drops coins
  • Demo/version indicator has lower opacity!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HP caps to 100


  • HP is now shown on-screen
  • Some post-demo-completion content.. Some

Now, onto the more "important" development-related stuff.

When Devlogs will be posted

See, the version of the game itself is always internally set to a format of W.X.Y.Z. - where W is if the game is finished or not (1 or 0), X is how many Royal Eggs are implemented, Y is demo/important update stage, and Z is bugfix stage. Currently, we're at an unreleased demo with 1 Royal Egg and 1 bugfix to its name, using this version scheme as reference.

There will be a devlog every time a build for the cool testers gets a new Royal Egg. So, this means there will be updates on new content and location stuff. At the moment, there is not too much I could add (other than that the full in-the-works game is going well development-wise - albeit a little slowly as I am busy), however I will say that every download, play, or even view helps motivate me to continue working on this little cruddy piece of "game" trash.

There is no set time for when this game will be released, when new devlogs will be, anything like that. I'm working at my own speed, and considering my view of the game and what I want it to be like, that won't be too slow!

What I want the game to be

I want this game to be a silly little satirical-but-somewhat-serious thing, with dumb stuff prioritized alongside its underlying story. While there's not a whole lot of that currently, I will certainly have fun expanding on both aspects as development continues.

Gameplay-wise, this is an egglike after all, so there will be plenty of combat and collecting, so much more than there already is. More NPCs, some post-game-completion stuff, maybe even more fun things to tool around with if I get ambitious enough. However, seeing as me and my game is nothing at the moment, I won't be letting other things drive my attention away from making a somewhat-enjoyable experience.

I plan on expanding the current locations a tiny bit, and adding at least 3 other full locations in the full game. What those will be are mysteries... somewhat, but when the time comes, I will be talking about those too - the time being when a new devlog is posted.

I also do have some polish I want to add for specifically the finalized game, but that's not prioritized so I have nothing really to add there. Just stuff that'll make the demo really feel inferior.

Ending notes

Donations are cool. If I could - for whatever silly reason - get enough of that to actually put this game on Steam, that'd be a dream come true. Obviously, this is a stupid egglike demo, so it's not expected nor necessarily asked for, I'm just... reminding you that it's an optionnnn...

Sillier stuff aside, thank you for reading this far, if you have been. Here's hoping I continue with this fun stuff, and that you enjoy said fun stuff.

Keep calm and egg on.

Files 29 MB
48 days ago

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